Mapping and spatial analyses in R for One Health studies

Training designed for people interested in using R for mapping and spatial analysis for applications in the various fields related to “one health” approaches

Géomatique avec R

Ce manuel est aussi bien destiné aux utilisateurs de R souhaitant réaliser des traitements de l'information géographique, qu’aux utilisateurs de SIG souhaitant se former à R

Analysis of Prehistoric Iconography - R package iconr

Modeling Prehistoric iconography with the iconr package

Spatial Data Science with R

Spatial data analysis and modeling with *raster* and *terra* package


The reference package for spatial data management

How To Do Archaeological Science Using R

This bookdown is a early draft of an edited volume of contributions to the ‘How To Do Archaeological Science Using R’ forum of the 2017 Society of American Archaeology annual meeting in Vancouver, BC