
Le package mapsf

Les principales fonctionnalités du package `mapsf`


Create and integrate thematic maps in your R workflow

Notes de cours de R

Ce document (seconde version) a pour but l’initiation à R afin d’être capable de s’en servir de manière efficace et autonome.

The lidR package

Hands on descriptions and tutorials for using lidR, a package for manipulating and visualizating airborne laser scanning data with an emphasis on forestry application.

A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R

Updated version of a blog entry called *Beautiful plotting in R - A ggplot2 cheatsheet* by Zev Ross

Mastering Software Development in R

This book is designed to be used in conjunction with the course sequence Mastering Software Development in R, available on Coursera

Logiciel R et programmation

Supports de cours de MASTER 1 "Statistique & Économétrie", Université de Rennes 1