JavaScript for R

Enhance your data science products with JavaScript [**Under development**]

Writing dynamic and reproducible documents

An introduction to R Markdown

R Markdown Cookbook

Book designed to provide a range of examples on how to extend the functionality of your R Markdown documents

RSelenium Tutorial

An introduction to RSelenium for webscraping

Valoriser ses données avec R

Module 5 « Datavisualisation - produire des graphiques, des cartes et des tableaux ». Formations R aux MTES & MCTRCT.

R Markdown - The Definitive Guide

Manuel de référence pour l'utilisation du rmarkdown

Introduction to Web Scraping

Learn how to get data from the World Wide Web using R

Mastering Software Development in R

This book is designed to be used in conjunction with the course sequence Mastering Software Development in R, available on Coursera

HTML Widgets for R

The htmlwidgets package provides a framework for easily creating R bindings to JavaScript libraries (leaflet, dygraphs, networkD3, DT...)

Advanced R

Book designed primarily for users who want to improve their programming skills and understanding of the language