

Create Interactive Graphs with 'Echarts JavaScript' Version 5

Mapping and spatial analyses in R for One Health studies

Training designed for people interested in using R for mapping and spatial analysis for applications in the various fields related to “one health” approaches

R Screencasts

List of real-world examples of data analyses and visualization, provided with codes, datasets and the workshops recordings

Cartographie avec R

Créer des cartes thématiques conformes aux règles de la sémiologie graphique et de la cartographie avec R.

Géomatique avec R

Ce manuel est aussi bien destiné aux utilisateurs de R souhaitant réaliser des traitements de l'information géographique, qu’aux utilisateurs de SIG souhaitant se former à R

Le package mapsf

Les principales fonctionnalités du package `mapsf`


Create and integrate thematic maps in your R workflow

afrimapr intro to spatial data

Interactive [learnr]( tutorials to introduce spatial data types, the packages sf, tmap and raster, with data from [afrilearndata]( Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**]( **package**

A crash course in mapping with African data

Interactive [learnr]( tutorial which presents a gallery of plots using tmap, ggplot2 & mapview. Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**]( **package**

Join (spreadsheet) to spatial data

A step by step interactive [learnr]( tutorial which presents how to create a map from a spreadsheet of summary data by region. Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**]( **package**