

0pen-source scientific and technical publishing system built on Pandoc

Get Started with Quarto

This workshop is designed for those who have no or little prior experience with Quarto

Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics

Online version of the book published to Chapman & Hall/CRC (later in 2021)

Analyse de données avec R

Séminaire RUSS - Contextualisation et présentation de R et Rstudio


This package provides a comprehensive set of tools for interoperability between Python and R

R Markdown Cookbook

Book designed to provide a range of examples on how to extend the functionality of your R Markdown documents


Une communauté d'agents de l'Etat pour s'entraider en R et Python

Onyxia - SSP Cloud

Plateforme open-source de traitement de données et un espace communautaire pour la statistique publique