
Spatial Data and Cartography with R

Workshop held as part of **summer school 2018 of the LabEx DynamiTe**

Le Grimoire

Pratique de l'analyse statistique univariée et bivariée (notions de probabilités/statistiques et introduction aux modèles statistiques)

Une introduction à R et au tidyverse

Version modernisée de la publication *Introduction à R*, qui propose une introduction à plusieurs de ces extensions (*ggplot2*, *dplyr*, *tidyr*, *readr*, *readxl*, *haven*, *forcats*, *stringr*, *R Markdown*).

Data Wrangling and Management in R

This tutorial explores how scholars can organize ‘tidy’ data, understand R packages to manipulate data, and conduct basic data analysis. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](https://programminghistorian.org/)

Spatial Data in R - New Directions

UseR! tutorial about spatial data by the author of the sf package

Basic Text Processing in R

Learn how to use R to analyze high-level patterns in texts, apply stylometric methods over time and across authors, and use summary methods to describe items in a corpus. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](https://programminghistorian.org/)

R for Data Science

Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data

R Programming for Data Science

This book is about the fundamentals of R programming

ThinkR - Le blog

Blog généraliste proposé par la société ThinkR

R Packages

Organize, test, document, and share your code