
Documentation collaborative à l'usage des agents de l'Insee

The Epidemiologist R Handbook

A bookdown for applied epidemiology and public health with R

R Charts (& R Coder)

In this site you will find tutorials and code examples to start learning R and R graphs made with base R graphics, ggplot2...

The GT cookbook

This cookbook attempts to walk through many of the advanced applications for `gt`, and provide useful commentary around the use of the various `gt` functions

Reproducible science workshop

One-day workshop with R and RStudio

Wikidata and Correspondence Archives

How Wikidata can add some value to populate a sparse correspondence dataset with basic metadata

A quick flight to the edge of the tidyverse

Tutorial created for the February 2021 joint [R-Ladies Tunis](https://twitter.com/RLadiesTunis) and [R-Ladies Saudi Arabia (Dammam)](https://twitter.com/RLadiesDammam) workshop

Modern Statistics with R

From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling

Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists

Manual to learn how to analyse and model different types of spatial data as well as gaining an understanding of the various challenges arising from manipulating such data

Wrangling penguins - some basic data wrangling in R with dplyr

A learnr tutorial to introduce some common functions in dplyr, part of the tidyverse.