
A package that provides simple features access for R

A package that provides simple features access for R. Package sf:

  • represents simple features as records in a data.frame or tibble with a geometry list-column
  • represents natively in R all 17 simple feature types for all dimensions (XY, XYZ, XYM, XYZM)
  • interfaces to GEOS to support geometrical operations including the DE9-IM
  • interfaces to GDAL, supporting all driver options, Date and POSIXct and list-columns
  • interfaces to PRØJ for coordinate reference system conversions and transformations
  • uses well-known-binary serialisations written in C++/Rcpp for fast I/O with GDAL and GEOS
  • reads from and writes to spatial databases such as PostGIS using DBI
  • is extended by pkg lwgeom for further liblwgeom/PostGIS functions, including some spherical geometry functions