
Print Personalized Street Maps Using R

A code walk-through of how to generate streets maps in R using {osmdata} and {sf} packages


Collection of data sources and tutorials on visualising spatial data using R


Create Maps and Visualize Data in 2D and 3D


This application is part of a set of tools called "MigrExplorer" that allow to visualize international migrations in various aspects

Spatial Data Science

This book introduces and explains the concepts underlying spatial data with R


The reference package for spatial data management


This package helps to draw thematic maps. The syntax is based on [A Layered Grammar of Graphics]( and resembles the syntax of ggplot2

Leaflet for R

This R package makes it easy to integrate and control Leaflet maps in R


Blog principalement axé sur l'analyse spatiale et la cartographie

R Géomatique

Ce carnet partage et diffuse des travaux de géomatique réalisés avec R