A workshop on image processing and raster analysis at thematic school SIGR2021
Les principales fonctionnalités du package `mapsf`
Create and integrate thematic maps in your R workflow
This is the on-line version of work-in-progress 3rd edition of *ggplot2 - elegant graphics for data analysis* published by Springer.
Website about spatial data processing in R, for agriculture, soil science, environmental health, environmental engineering, and data science.
Reference tutorial on static and dynamic network visualization. Continuously updated and developed
Théorie et mise en oeuvre pratique avec R
This package helps to draw thematic maps. The syntax is based on [A Layered Grammar of Graphics](http://vita.had.co.nz/papers/layered-grammar.pdf) and resembles the syntax of ggplot2
Une collection de plusieurs centaines de graphiques, organisés par section et présentés avec leur code reproductible.
Version française du tutoriel de référence 'Network visualization with R' (version 2016), traduit par [Laurent Beauguitte](/authors/lbeauguitte/) en 2017.