Programming Historian

Calibrer des âges radiocarbone avec R

Cette leçon vous apprend à calibrer des âges radiocarbone avec R. Elle explique pas à pas comment réaliser la calibration d’un ensemble de dates et comment explorer et présenter les résultats. Leçon proposée par [The Programming Historian](

Temporal Network Analysis with R

Learn how to use R to analyze networks that change over time. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

Using Geospatial Data to Inform Historical Research in R

In this lesson, you will use R-language to analyze and map geospatial data. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

Introduction to MySQL with R

This lesson will help you store large amounts of historical data in a structured manner, search and filter that data, and visualize some of the data as a graph. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

Correspondence Analysis for Historical Research with R

This tutorial explains how to carry out and interpret a correspondence analysis, which can be used to identify relationships within categorical data. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

Data Wrangling and Management in R

This tutorial explores how scholars can organize ‘tidy’ data, understand R packages to manipulate data, and conduct basic data analysis. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

Basic Text Processing in R

Learn how to use R to analyze high-level patterns in texts, apply stylometric methods over time and across authors, and use summary methods to describe items in a corpus. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](

R Basics with Tabular Data

This lesson teaches a way to quickly analyze large volumes of tabular data, making research faster and more effective. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](