Join (spreadsheet) to spatial data

A step by step interactive [learnr](https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/) tutorial which presents how to create a map from a spreadsheet of summary data by region. Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**](https://github.com/afrimapr/afrilearnr) **package**

Text mining with tidy data principles

Interactive tutorial with exercices about text mining with tidytext

An Introduction to R

The aim of this book is to introduce you to using R, a powerful and flexible interactive environment for statistical computing and research

Concevoir d’efficaces tutoriels R interactifs avec learnr (1/2)

Appréhender de façon graduée le codage dans R, voilà ce que permettent les tutoriels interactifs learnr. ils mixent exposés, exemples commentés et exercices pratiques

Peaufiner ses tutoriels R avec learnr et gradethis (2/2)

Comment tirer parti des dernières fonctionalités de learnr et gradethis pour optimiser les feedbacks, varier les widgets, styler et publier (iframe ou page autonome)

R for Excel Users

This course is for Excel users who want to add or integrate R and RStudio into their existing data analysis toolkit

Writing dynamic and reproducible documents

An introduction to R Markdown

Writing reproducible research papers with R Markdown

Two-Day Workshop will introduce participants to the fundamentals and applications of R Markdown

Sharing Your Work with xaringan

An Introduction to xaringan for Presentations - The Basics and Beyond

Créer son site web avec RStudio, blogdown, github et netlify

Comment créer son site web en moins d'une heure avec RStudio et le package blogdown