R Screencasts

List of real-world examples of data analyses and visualization, provided with codes, datasets and the workshops recordings

Bayes Rules !

This book empowers readers to weave Bayesian approaches into an everyday modern practice of statistics and data science

Supervised Machine Learning for Text Analysis in R

This book focuses on supervised or predictive modeling for text, using text data to make predictions about the world around us

Introduction to Data Science

Data Analysis and Prediction Algorithms with R

Handbook of Regression Modeling in People Analytics

Online version of the book published to Chapman & Hall/CRC (later in 2021)

Public Policy Analytics

Code & Context for Data Science in Government

Modern Statistics with R

From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling

Introduction à la modélisation statistique bayésienne

L’objectif de cette formation est de vous faire découvrir la modélisation statistique bayésienne.

Modern Data Science with R (2nd edition)

This is the online version of the 2nd edition of [Modern Data Science with R](https://www.routledge.com/Modern-Data-Science-with-R/Baumer-Kaplan-Horton/p/book/9780367191498)

Advancing Text Mining with R and quanteda

This blog post is based on [this report](http://cbpuschmann.net/quanteda_mzes/) and on [Cornelius’ post on topic models in R](http://inhaltsanalyse-mit-r.de/themenmodelle.html)