21 Recipes for Mining Twitter Data with rtweet

Manual based on Matthew R. Russell’s [book](https://github.com/ptwobrussell/Recipes-for-Mining-Twitter)

Créer un package R en quelques minutes

Billet issue du blog ThinkR qui présente la création d’un package R en cinq étapes

Mastering Software Development in R

This book is designed to be used in conjunction with the course sequence Mastering Software Development in R, available on Coursera

Coding club

A Positive Peer-Learning Community

Awesome R Shiny

A curated list of resources for R Shiny. This awesome list was inspired by [awesome-shiny](https://github.com/dpastoor/awesome-shiny). Also see [Awesome Shiny Apps for Statistics](Awesome-shiny-apps-for-statistics)

ThinkR - Le blog

Blog généraliste proposé par la société ThinkR

R Packages

Organize, test, document, and share your code

HTML Widgets for R

The htmlwidgets package provides a framework for easily creating R bindings to JavaScript libraries (leaflet, dygraphs, networkD3, DT...)

Advanced R

Book designed primarily for users who want to improve their programming skills and understanding of the language

List of Free Online R Tutorials

Tutorial for R programming, Statistics and Graphics (from universities or not)