R Installation Guide

This resource provides step-by-step descriptions on how to install and run RStudio for *Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists* from your own computer

An Introduction to R

The aim of this book is to introduce you to using R, a powerful and flexible interactive environment for statistical computing and research

Modern Data Science with R (2nd edition)

This is the online version of the 2nd edition of [Modern Data Science with R](https://www.routledge.com/Modern-Data-Science-with-R/Baumer-Kaplan-Horton/p/book/9780367191498)


The renv package helps you create reproducible environments for your R projects

R for Excel Users

This course is for Excel users who want to add or integrate R and RStudio into their existing data analysis toolkit

HTTP testing in R

Central reference for developers of R packages accessing web resources, to help them have a faster and more robust development

Vers une chaine de traitement reproductible

Séminaire RUSS - Exemple appliqué d'une chaîne de traitement complète et reproductible


This package provides a comprehensive set of tools for interoperability between Python and R

Get the full power of GitLab CI for your bookdown project

Host and deploy a bookdown on GitLab

Reprex, ou comment demander de l’aide efficacement

Billet issu du [blog ThinkR](https://thinkr.fr/blog/), pour construire un exemple reproductible et solutionner son problème avec l'aide de la communauté.