R for Excel Users

This course is for Excel users who want to add or integrate R and RStudio into their existing data analysis toolkit

Big Book of R

The biggest collection of free R programming books

Twitter for R programmers

The aim of this book is to give people a basic introduction to Twitter, that allows to take the real-time pulse of the community R

R-Ladies Meetups Materials

Shiny app that lists R-Ladies websites, GithUb repositories and material used during R-Ladies meetups

Reprex, ou comment demander de l’aide efficacement

Billet issu du [blog ThinkR](https://thinkr.fr/blog/), pour construire un exemple reproductible et solutionner son problème avec l'aide de la communauté.

R Lille

Groupe d'utilisateur⸱rice⸱s R de Lille et sa périphérie


All sorts of resources (books, videos, interactive websites, papers) to learn R in english, spanish and turkish. Some of the resources are beginner-friendly and start with the installation process.

Why R? Webinars

Webinars organised by a team of R enthusiasts from both business and academia who aim to support local R communities around the world


Une communauté d'agents de l'Etat pour s'entraider en R et Python

Afrimapr project

Creating R building blocks and learning resources for making data-driven maps in Africa.