
Rstudio Primers

Learn data science basics with the interactive tutorials

Préparer ses données avec R et le Tidyverse

Module 2 « Préparation des données ». Formations R aux MTES & MCTRCT.

Data wrangling, exploration, and analysis with R (STAT 545)

This site is about everything that comes up during data analysis except for statistical modelling and inference

A ggplot2 Tutorial for Beautiful Plotting in R

Updated version of a blog entry called *Beautiful plotting in R - A ggplot2 cheatsheet* by Zev Ross

Web Data Collection

Materials of web scraping workshop carried out as part of the summer school 2018 of the LabEx DynamITe

Le Grimoire

Pratique de l'analyse statistique univariée et bivariée (notions de probabilités/statistiques et introduction aux modèles statistiques)

Une introduction à R et au tidyverse

Version modernisée de la publication *Introduction à R*, qui propose une introduction à plusieurs de ces extensions (*ggplot2*, *dplyr*, *tidyr*, *readr*, *readxl*, *haven*, *forcats*, *stringr*, *R Markdown*).

Data Wrangling and Management in R

This tutorial explores how scholars can organize ‘tidy’ data, understand R packages to manipulate data, and conduct basic data analysis. Lesson from [The Programming Historian](https://programminghistorian.org/)

Exploratory Data Analysis with R

This book covers the essential exploratory techniques for summarizing data

R Programming for Data Science

This book is about the fundamentals of R programming