Introduction à R pour les chatons

Rédaction en cours - Ce livre s'adresse à toute personne qui n'a jamais fait de programmation et qui désire apprendre les bases du langage R

Modern Statistics with R

From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling

R Installation Guide

This resource provides step-by-step descriptions on how to install and run RStudio for *Spatial Modelling for Data Scientists* from your own computer

Être un•e utilisateur•rice de R résilient•e

Séminaire RUSS - Séance du 5 février 2021

afrimapr intro to spatial data

Interactive [learnr](https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/) tutorials to introduce spatial data types, the packages sf, tmap and raster, with data from [afrilearndata](https://github.com/afrimapr/afrilearndata). Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**](https://github.com/afrimapr/afrilearnr) **package**

A crash course in mapping with African data

Interactive [learnr](https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/) tutorial which presents a gallery of plots using tmap, ggplot2 & mapview. Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**](https://github.com/afrimapr/afrilearnr) **package**

Join (spreadsheet) to spatial data

A step by step interactive [learnr](https://rstudio.github.io/learnr/) tutorial which presents how to create a map from a spreadsheet of summary data by region. Also **available by using** [**afrilearnr**](https://github.com/afrimapr/afrilearnr) **package**

An Introduction to R

The aim of this book is to introduce you to using R, a powerful and flexible interactive environment for statistical computing and research

Data Science for Psychologists

This book provides an introduction to data science that is tailored to the needs of psychologists, but is also suitable for students of the humanities and other social sciences.

Modern Data Science with R (2nd edition)

This is the online version of the 2nd edition of [Modern Data Science with R](https://www.routledge.com/Modern-Data-Science-with-R/Baumer-Kaplan-Horton/p/book/9780367191498)