Bayes Rules !

This book empowers readers to weave Bayesian approaches into an everyday modern practice of statistics and data science

Modern Statistics with R

From wrangling and exploring data to inference and predictive modelling

Introduction à la modélisation statistique bayésienne

L’objectif de cette formation est de vous faire découvrir la modélisation statistique bayésienne.


Collection of R packages, which aims to provide a unifying and consistent framework for statistics and models

Advancing Text Mining with R and quanteda

This blog post is based on [this report](http://cbpuschmann.net/quanteda_mzes/) and on [Cornelius’ post on topic models in R](http://inhaltsanalyse-mit-r.de/themenmodelle.html)

Econometrics and Free Software

Blog about econometrics with R


An Open Lab-Notebook Experiment (personal blog)